Friday, April 20, 2007

BIG Hiatus This Time

I haven't been blogging for the past 6 weeks because I've been writing for a magazine, Barcelona Metropolitan, that actually pays. It's been piecemeal in getting started with these guys, but suddenly I've got 7 articles due for them and more on the way. And there's just not enough time to do other things. Also, I've been thinking that if I'm going to have any success with this blogging business, I got to specialize in something. Otherwise, people just won't come in numbers.

If there's anybody out there who still follows this blog and would like to see what I've been up to, here are some of my latest articles, tailored to the magazine. Some are okay, some might be boring unless you live in Barcelona.

I'll be back soon, probably.



Nice to see this news.

Lucy Dee said...

Congratulations on the magazine writing gig!

(Feel free to erase the rest of this message, because it does not pertain to your original post. I would have emailed you, but I can't find your email address.)

Anyway, the reason I'm writing is because I caught wind of your comment on The ABW (Angry Black Woman) blog.

My name is Lucy Dee and I'm a black female standup comedienne in NYC.

Based on your worldly response on ABW, I figured you might be interested in my most recent post on Metabigotry in comedy.

I'm trying to "get the word out," and I decided to drop you a line.
Perhaps, you would be interested in stopping by my spot and giving your opinion?

Thank you again, and thanks for being such an open-minded citizen.

My blog:
The Quest For Comedic Stardom


Lucy Dee said...

Matt how does one reach you without eating up precious blogger comment space on your blog?

I came to thank you for your comment! And I wanted to return the favor, but there is no blog post to be had!!?

What to do?

Email me at my blog....